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Conscious Heart Conference 2015 - grounding and healing workshop

Posted 29/9/2015

Denis Chagnon gave an energy grounding workshop at the 2015 Conscious Heart Conference in Montreal


Conscious Heart ConferenceConscious Heart ConferenceFirst Annual 

Conscious Heart Conference

in Montreal

September 25th-26th-27th 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Annual Conscious Heart Conference is a  mind-shifting and heart-opening experience.

Denis will be in Montreal to the Conscious Heart Conference

on Sunday 27th 2015 in the afternoon (3pm – 5:30pm)

Grounding and healing

In this 2 hours workshop Denis will help you reinforce your grounding basics to process your emotions. He will also show you how he is using the Divine energy as a healer so you could also experiment your full potential.

Class Format

  1. Grounding basics with the two first chakras.
  2. Grounding emotions in 3 steps.
  3. Healing energy blockages.
  4. Integration.
  5. Connecting with the new energies.

Address: Hôtel de l’Institut (ITHQ) Salle Mont-Royal/Mount-Royal Hall 3535 St-Denis Street (there is also an entrance on Rigaud corner of St-Denis,)

Cost: 63.23$

registration: (online store)